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21st century tech for Serviced Offices

If you are a Serviced Office operator or you look after a similar multi tenant environment we can revolutionise your client IT services.

Would you like reduced costs, improved profit margins all in addition to unrivalled performance and reliability?

It may sound like we are doing the impossible, but it is real, it exists and it is proven.

We fully integrate your building network, both wired and wireless, we can provision new clients in a matter of minutes and we can deploy telephone handsets on demand.

We do all of this remotely using cloud based tools. We give you full visibility on what is going on in your buildings in terms of bandwidth usage and traffic flows. You no longer have clients complaining your network is slow when they are using all of their bandwidth.

We tell them when they get near to their limits and we also tell them what services and/or users are consuming their bandwidth. This results in happier clients, happier centre staff and the freeing up of everyone to concentrate on their businesses.

You will never again have to employ technical staff, expensive network engineers or telecoms people.

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